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Tips for Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Our Spa Manager, Caroline Doran, shares her top tips to help keep you in shape – both mentally and physically – whilst we continue to navigate our way through these challenging times.

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Set yourself a routine

Maintaining a positive mindset is absolutely vital for good mental health.

Whether you’re furloughed, working from home or having to home school, routine will likely have gone out of the window. To help you feel as though your day has structure and a purpose, be sure to create a daily routine, complete with goals. At the end of the day, celebrate all that you achieved.

Exercise in the great outdoors

It’s no secret that outdoor exercise helps to relieve stress, but there are many other benefits, including the natural boost to Vitamin D levels, especially when we are having such sunny weather at the moment.

For those who prefer lighter exercise, a brisk walk will be sufficient, or for seasoned professionals, there are plenty of structured exercise programmes to try. For a more thorough workout, try to select a route with greater variation in the natural terrain.

Keep fit

As well as strengthening muscles and reducing the risk of long term health conditions, exercise helps to release endorphins, which relieve stress and tension.

You may not have a pool to swim in, treadmill to run on or weights to lift, but there are still plenty of activities you can do to raise your heart rate and work your muscles. If you’re looking for inspiration, try Peloton’s virtual classes or take a look at Technogym’s Instagram live workouts. Failing that, there are lots of videos on YouTube, including Joe Wicks’ popular ‘PE classes’.

Limit screen time

Smart phones, iPads, laptops and even TVs all contribute to sleep disturbance, headaches and a lack of energy.

To boost your wellbeing, be disciplined with how long you spend on your devices, particularly in the evening. To monitor your screen time, make sure you keep an eye on your phone’s weekly report, which should bring a reality check. After all, it does add up – 6 hours per day = 36 hours per week = 144 hours per month!

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